Rough sleepers

If you are concerned about someone who you think is rough sleeping, you can send an alert to StreetLink.

Look at properties

Housing associations own and manage all social and affordable housing in the Chelmsford area. There is no council-owned social housing.

The housing associations advertise their properties on HomeOption and add new listings every Friday. Each property on HomeOption has a description of:    

  • the facilities   
  • the tenancy type
  • who can bid on that property
  • the rent or service charge to be paid 

In some weeks, you will not see any new properties, if there are none available that meet your needs.

Sometimes, the housing associations will let a property without advertising it on HomeOption. 

This could be because:

  • the property is part of the 25% of vacancies they can keep for the transfer needs of their own tenants
  • the housing associations have let the property because it has specific features (such as adaptations for a disability)
  • the property is part of a location where there is a 'local lettings plan' which includes additional qualifying factors (such as local connection to a village or parish)

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