Two men in jumpers smiling at the camera. Behind them are maps on the wall and diaries of J.A. Baker on display.

Join us to hear the story of how peregrine falcons have made a successful return to the East Anglian countryside.

Peregrine and Raptor Expert Peter Merchant, and Michael Padmore of Colchester Natural History Society, will chart how the peregrine has adapted to the industrial sites of East Anglia and talk about their work protecting and rehabilitating these majestic birds.

The ticket includes tea and coffee refreshments and a chance to see the Restless Brilliance: The Story of J.A. Baker and The Peregrine exhibition.

5.30pm - Doors open at for tea/coffee and a chance to view the Restless Brilliance exhibition.
6.30-7.30pm - Talk and Q&A in the Wells Suite.

Please note that the rest of the museum will not be open during the evening.