Film classification
If you want to show a film in a licensed premises, it needs to have a classification to restrict the admission of children.
If your film does not have a classification from the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), you need to apply for a classification from us.
A classification from us will allow you to show your film in a licensed premises in Chelmsford.
You will need to contact us to apply for a classification.
You will need to apply for a classification at least 28 days before the date you plan to show the film.
When you apply for a classification, you will need to tell us:
- the reason for your request
- the date and time you are planning to show the film
- the venue where you are planning to show the film
- the name of the film maker
- a brief synopsis of the film
- any age restriction recommendations from the film maker
- if there are any existing classification issues with a classification body, either in the UK or abroad
- if you have received classification from another local authority, and if so, what the classification was, plus when and where you showed the film
- if there is any material within the film that is likely to affect the age restriction
- the language spoken in the film, and whether there are subtitles in English
- details of how you will enforce any age restrictions
You will also need to send us a copy of the film.
The fee for a film classification from us £180.
Once we have received your application, a copy of the film and the fee, we will view the film. We will contact you with our classification within five days of viewing the film.
You can download our policy for determining film classifications.