Full Council (January 2020)
You can view the:
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Mayor's Announcements
3. Declarations of Interest
All Members are reminded that they must disclose any interests they know they have in items of business on the meeting’s agenda and that they must do so at this point on the agenda or as soon as they become aware of the interest. If the interest is a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they are also obliged to notify the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the meeting.
4. Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of meeting on 16 July 2019
5. Public Question Time
To receive questions from members of the public in accordance with Council Rules 10.1 to 10.6 on any matter for which the Council is responsible.
6. Cabinet Question Time
The Leader and Members of the Cabinet to answer questions submitted by Members of the Council in accordance with Council Rules 10.18 to 10.22.
7. Reports from the Cabinet Member for Fairer Chelmsford
- 7.1 Medium Term Financial Strategy
- 7.2 Treasury Management Mid-Year Review 2019-20
- 7.3 Local Council Tax Scheme for 2020-21
- 7.4 Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
8. Reports from the Leader of the Council
- 8.1 Review of the Members' Allowances Scheme
- 8.2 Appointment of Substitute for the Planning Committee
To approve the appointment of Councillor Smita Rajesh as one of the Liberal Democrat Group's designated substitutes on the Planning Committee
- 8.3 "Our Chelmsford, Our Plan"
- 8.4 Cabinet Deputies
The Leader will report on changes to the Cabinet Deputies appointments
9. Reports from the Governance Committee
- 9.1 Code of Conduct for Employees/Workers
- 9.2 Appointment of Independent Person
10. Notice of Motion - Fireworks Displays
Pursuant to notice duly give, Councillor M Steel will move:
“A number of councillors have been contacted by residents in relation to the RSPCA initiative to reduce the impact of fireworks and Sky Lanterns on animals, and have asked their Council to support a motion to support measures which will help ensure people can enjoy fireworks responsibly whilst minimising the risk to animal welfare, horses, farm animals and wildlife and residents.
Chelmsford City Council can play its part in this by direct action or by lobbying other Government departments and retailers to play their part. Accordingly, the Council resolves to:
- encourage all publicly organised firework displays within the Chelmsford City Council area to be advertised in advance of the event, so that residents can enjoy the celebrations and allow residents to take precautions for their animals and vulnerable people
- actively promote a public awareness campaign about the impact of fireworks on animal welfare and vulnerable people including the precautions that can be taken to mitigate risks
- encourage retailers to follow the lead of Sainsburys in withdrawing the sale of fireworks to the public
- write to the UK Government urging them to introduce legislation the limit the maximum noise level of fireworks to 90dB for those sold to the public for private display
- encourage trading standards to enforce more rigorously the regulations of the selling of fireworks both in terms of age appropriateness, licensing and CE markings
- note that CCC already ban the release of sky lanterns from council land, to write to UK Government urging them to consider banning sky lanterns in the UK in total.”
11. Notice of Motion: Online Petition Site
Pursuant to notice duly given, Councillor W Daden will move:
“Further to CCC declaring a desire to be a carbon neutral council, this Council agrees to offer an online petition site as the most modern and convenient way for residents to be heard that will also complement our ecological position.”
12. Notice of Motion: Fair Trade
Pursuant to notice duly given, Councillor R Moore will move:
“Chelmsford City Council notes that 2019 marked 25 years since the Fairtrade Mark was launched in the UK, and that 2020 is Chelmsford’s 15th year as a Fairtrade Town (now City).
Despite these achievements, exploitation remains rampant in global supply chains. More than 40 million people are trapped in modern slavery, including forced labour, and 152 million young people in child labour. Hundreds of millions more are earning less than a living income or wage.
Chelmsford City Council believes that Fairtrade and the wider Fair Trade movement has a significant contribution to make towards ending exploitation in global supply chains and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Chelmsford City Council therefore resolves to:
- promote Fairtrade locally
- celebrate and incentivise businesses championing Fairtrade products in the local community
- review its procurement policy, including its catering offer, to ensure that Fairtrade produce is chosen wherever possible, and that Fair Trade considerations are included in any contracts going out to tender.”
Part II
To consider whether to exclude the public from the meeting during the following matter, which contains exempt information within the category of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act indicated.
13. Proposed Property Acquisition
To consider a report by the Cabinet Member for Fairer Chelmsford
Category: Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
Public interest statement: The public interest in not disclosing the content of this report outweighs the public interest in disclosing it because any publicity about the negotiation of terms for the acquisition of the property may affect the financial interests of the Council and, by extension, those of the residents of Chelmsford as well as the other parties involved in the acquisition. In particular, it would undermine the attainment of best value during the negotiations as other interested parties would be aware of the seller’s financial position and intentions in advance.