Make a booking enquiry now

If you are bringing a class for one of our learning sessions you can plan your visit with our handy downloads.

You can read our guidance about your visit to Chelmsford Museum for more details about visiting the Museum, including maps and directions.

We have developed interactive PowerPoints for sessions at Chelmsford Museum. They contain before and after visit activities, which will help your pupils gain the most from their visit and embed learning back into your classroom work.


Our shop has a good range of ‘pocket money’ souvenirs.

Let us know if your group would like to use the shop during their visit and we can timetable this in. Most children bring between £3 and £5 to spend. 

History Hackers booklets

Our History Hackers goody bags are only £1.50.

With stationary, stickers and a special History Hacker trail booklet, these goody bags provide a great souvenir and a fun reason for a return visit to the museum.