Postal votes update for North West Essex constituency

We are aware that some residents in the North West Essex constituency have experienced a delay in receiving postal votes. This affects residents in Writtle, Broomfield and The Walthams, Boreham and The Leighs and Chelmsford Rural West. They are part of the North West Essex parliamentary constituency, which is administered by Uttlesford District Council. You can find further information on postal votes for North West Essex.

The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) has recently completed a review of parliamentary boundaries, which is due to come into effect at the next general election.

You can find out more about the review.

There are certain requirements that the BCE must meet when completing the review. These include:

  • limiting the total number of parliamentary constituencies in the UK to 650
  • applying a new distribution formula, which increases the number of constituencies in England from 533 to 543
  • ensuring any new constituencies have an electorate of between 69,724 and 77,062 voters (excluding specific exceptions)
  • allowing for geographical factors, such as the size, shape and accessibility of a constituency
  • being aware of local ties that may break due to any changes

We have summarised the changes for the residents in the Chelmsford City Council area below.


There is only one change to the Chelmsford constituency. This is to move Galleywood ward (parliamentary electorate of 4,231) to the Maldon constituency.

This will bring the total electorate of the Chelmsford constituency in line with the new rules with an electorate of 76,163.


The changes to the Maldon constituency are to add the Galleywood ward from Chelmsford (as explained above).

Saffron Walden

The name of the constituency has changed to North West Essex.

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